Signature Aluminum Canada Inc.

Contact: Health & Safety Standards

Environment, Health & Safety Policy & Principles

This policy exists to support the Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc.'s H&S Value that we will work in a manner that protects and promotes the health and well-being of the individual and the environment. All Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. employees are required to understand, promote, and assist in the implementation of this policy and accompanying principles as a condition of their employment.

Signature Aluminum Canada Inc. is required to report under the Toxic Substance Act and associated Regulations. TRA Plan Summaries and annual reports can be found here.

Policy Statement

Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. / Pickering Management share the belief that people are the most valuable resource of our organization. Our goals are to protect both people and property, and to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.

Our actions are based on the following principles:

  • All injuries and occupational illnesses can be prevented.
  • We value human life above all else and manage risks accordingly.
  • Safety is our number one priority above production and quality.
  • All operating and construction exposures can be reasonably safeguarded.
  • Working safely is a shared responsibility between Management and Employees.

Line management has the responsibility to:

  • Train all employees to work safely.
  • Eliminate hazards which could result in personal injury or illness, fires, security losses, and property damage accidents.
  • Provide and maintain a safe work environment that meets all legislative requirements.

All employees have the responsibility to work safely and report hazardous conditions. This policy is justified on the grounds that preventing injuries and incidents makes sound moral and business sense.

Visitor Safety Policy
Administrative Policies and Procedures


To ensure the personal safety of visitors by controlling access to hazardous and restricted locations, and to minimize disruption of work-related activities by supervising over visitors who enter their workplace.


All visitors to Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc.

Related documents:

Occupational health and safety act of Ontario (OHSA) and Ontario regulation 851
Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. PPE policy
Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. Sign-in procedure
Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. Visitor Safety Regulations


Includes personal visitors, such as family members, students, customers, vendors, or professional colleagues.

Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. is responsible for the health, safety, and well-being of all visitors while they are on company property.  While visitors have a responsibility for their health, safety, and well-being, Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. recognizes that it has the greatest power to influence worksite situations. 

Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. is responsible for communicating regulatory requirements, company safety policy, procedures and rules that are applicable to visitors while on company property. Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. is also responsible for supplying personal protective equipment to any visitors while on company property.

All visitors must follow Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. policies, procedures, rules and guidance provided by Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. responsible host.


All visitors must receive a verbal orientation from their Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. host.  The information will consist of, but is not limited to, required personal protective equipment, potential safety hazards, code of conduct, staying within demarcated areas, and the emergency evacuation procedure.

All visitors must sign the company registry located at the main reception area prior to entering the Pickering facility.  Plant safety rules are communicated on the company registry by signing the registry, all visitors are acknowledging that they have understood the plant safety rules and have undergone a verbal orientation.

Safety Rules

Standard Operating Procedure

Standard Operating ProcedureThe following rules apply to all people (including visitors, contractors, and truck drivers) who enter the production facility.

1. General safety rule (a-b-c).  Always be careful, use good judgement and prudence in doing your work to protect yourself and others from injury.

2. Approved safety footwear must be worn at all times in all areas of the plant.  In addition, metatarsal boots must be worn by casting and extrusion department personnel.  The only exception is visitors who are accompanied on the plant floor by a Pickering employee for a short period.

3. Hearing protection must be worn at all times throughout the production facility.

4. Vinex clothing (coats, shirts and pants, coveralls) must be worn by all shop floor employees.  Staff and visitors while in the plant must wear either vinex clothing or a wool jacket.

5. Clean safety goggles or glasses must be worn throughout the plant at all times. 

6. Rings, watches, bracelets must not be worn when working in any area of the plant.  Necklaces or medic alert identification are allowed under a crew neck t-shirt.

7. Do not come to work under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs.  Possession of liquor or non-prescription drugs or being under the influence on company property is strictly prohibited.

8. Loose clothing such as ties, overly unbuttoned shirts, etc. as well as short pants or cut-off must not be worn while working in the plant.

9. Beverage cans, glass bottles, and disposable butane lighters represent a hazard (they can explode) and are not permitted on site.

10. Horseplay (running, fighting, throwing material, practical jokes, etc.) Is an unsafe act and is forbidden in the plant.

11. Oil, solvent, or grease spills must be cleaned up at once.

12. Zero-energy lock-out procedures must be followed before maintenance, repair or adjustment of machinery except as specifically laid out in standard practices/job safe procedures.

13.  All guards must be replaced after maintenance work, before the equipment is released to operations.

14. Do not use compressed air to dust off clothing.

15. Riders are not allowed on fork trucks and/or loads.

16. Equipment to be operated only by personnel who have been trained and received permission from their lead hand.

17. Observe all safety rules unique to a department, area or piece of equipment.

18. Keep out from under suspended loads and clear of moving loads

19. Long hair of employees working in plants areas must be confined in a hat or other covering, or bound up in a short pigtail.  Long hair is defined as exceeding a palm width when gathered at the back of the head.  Similarly, beards must be cut to a safe length.

20.  Hard hats must be worn by all personnel when in production areas.

21. Face shields must be worn in designated areas.

22. In case of any accident, injury, or incident, the lead hand must be notified.  If the lead hand is not available, the assistant lead hand must be notified.